When to repot Your Snake Plant?

There are certain signs and symptoms that you need to look after to know that your snake plant repotting. Repotting helps to thrive and grow your plants in a much better way. 

Let's find out the signs:

Signs of Repotting Your Snake Plant ?

1. Overgrowing Roots :

When you can see the plant's roots overgrowing from the drainage holes, it means your plant definitely needs repotting. It shows the space in the present pot is not enough for your plant to grow properly. In this way, the plant's growth is disrupted which can also lead to your plant's death.

2. Quickly Draining Soil:

When the water gets out of the pot immediately through the drainage holes without saturating the soil then there might be a problem. Water-draining quickly is a sign of poor soil quality which needs to be replaced with fresh potting mix. With time the soil loses its water and nutrient-holding capacity due to frequent watering and root growth, and hence can't provide the roots. 

3. Pot Cracking

Sometimes the snake plant grows vigorously leading the pot to crack open. Once you notice any small cracks it's time that you need to start consider repotting. The moisture gets away from the cracked pot far too quickly and roots will spread outwards. So, it's better to look after any cracks and holes in the pots. 

4. Presence of Several Pups

Since the snake plants spread through the growth of new pups, there might be several on the mature ones. When there are several in a single pot it will eventually get bigger and outgrow the pot it is currently in. This is the chance to propagate your snake plant while repotting as well. We have a step by step guide for propagating snake plants.

5. Plants Keep Falling:

When there is small space for your plant to grow, the pot keeps on falling over. The growing of snake plants can also make the plant heavy. The falling of your pot from time to time is not good for plant growth. Instead, you need to give your plant more space to grow and hence should repot in bigger size pots. Also, the plant should also never be more than the size of the pot it is currently growing in.

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