Step by Step guide to growing Parlour palm plant | Common problems and Solutions

Parlour Palm also known as Chamaedorea elegans, Neanthe Bella Palm, the Miniature Fishtail Palm has been a favorite plant for all indoor plant enthusiasts as it requires little maintenance and is easily adapted to a variety of interior environments.

This step-by-step tutorial will show you how to cultivate a strong, vibrant Parlour Palm while also addressing common issues and offering fixes to ensure its success.

Step 1: Choosing the Right Location

For the health of your Parlour Palm, choosing the right place is essential. Here are some crucial things to remember:

  • Light

    Filtered or indirect sunlight is ideal for Parlour Palm plants. Put your plant in a location that receives bright, indirect light for the majority of the day, such as close to a window with sheer curtains. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight because it could damage the delicate leaves.

  • Temperature

    Preferred Temperature: 65°F to 80°F (18°C to 27°C)
    To prevent from temperature fluctuations, keep your plant away from drafts, air conditioning, and heating vents

Step 2: Choosing the Right Pot and Soil

  • Pot

    Choose pot with drainage holes to prevent from overwatering and choose pots with around 10 inches wide.

  • Soil

    Use a peat-based potting mix that drains properly. Perlite or sand added to the soil mix might aid with drainage.

Step 3: Planting Your Parlour Palm

  1. Fill the prepared soil mix into the pot.
  2. Place the Parlour Palm in the center of the new pot after gently removing it from its nursery pot.
  3. Add extra soil around the plant, gently pressing it down to keep the palm in place.
  4. Water the plant thoroughly to settle the dirt.

Step 4: Watering and Humidity

  • Watering

    Allow the top inch (2.5 cm) of soil to dry out and water thoroughly allowing excess water to drain from the pot. To prevent root rot, remove the saucer from beneath the pot.

  • Humidity

    Higher humidity levels are preferred by Parlour Palms. To keep the proper moisture level surrounding the plant, mist the plant on a frequent basis or use a humidity tray.

Step 5: Fertilizing

During the growing season (spring and summer), feed your Parlour Palm a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength. Fertilization should be reduced in the fall and winter to foster dormancy.

Common Problems and Solutions:

  1. Yellow or Browning Leaves / Tips

    This can be caused by overwatering or exposure to direct sunlight. And to solve this problem, Allow soil to dry out more between your watering routine. Move the plant to a location with indirect light.

  2. Wilting Leaves

    Wilting leaves are often a sign of underwatering or low humidity. Ensure you are watering your plant adequately and maintaining proper humidity levels. Mist the plant or use a humidity tray.

  3. Pest Infestations

    Spider mites and mealybugs are common pests that affect parlour palm the most.  Use a gentle insecticidal soap or neem oil solution to treat the affected areas. Isolate the plant if the infestation is severe.

  4. Slow Growth

    Slow growth indicates that your plant needs more nutrients. Increase fertilization during the growing season, but be cautious not to over-fertilize

Parlour Palm can grow and become a wonderful addition to your indoor garden if given the proper care and attention. Remember that patience is essential when it comes to plant care, and it may take some time for your palm to establish itself and flourish. You may enjoy the beauty of this beautiful palm for years to come if you follow these steps and keep an eye out for common issues.

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