How To Repot Your Snake Plant ?

Snake plants are generally found in every home due to their ease of maintenance and care. They require little care and can go for days without being watered. 

How To Repot Your Snake Plant ?

Here's a quick guide to help you get started with repotting your snake plant: 

  1. Selecting the right time:
    Springs or early summer can be the best time to repot your snake plant. This is the time when they are actively growing. Also, avoid repotting in the winter.

  2. Selecting the right container:
    You must select a new pot that is slightly larger in diameter than the current one. Don't forget to include a drainage hole to prevent root rot.

  3. Preparing the soil:
    Use soil that is appropriate for snake plants. The potting mix should be good draining, or you can combine it with extra sand to improve drainage.

  4. Removing the plant: 
    While removing the plant from its previous pot make sure to be gentle and avoid breaking of plant's steam or roots. The soil should be quite loosened up before its removal.

  5. Inspecting the roots: 
    Before repotting, make sure the plant is disease-free. Trim away any damaged or unhealthy roots before proceeding with the repotting. Also, keep an eye out for any new pups if you want to reproduce the snake plant. 

  6. Repotting the plant:
    Fill the pot halfway with potting mix and insert the snake plant in the new pot. Fill up the remaining space with new potting soil. Also, make sure the plant is at the same depth as it was in the former one.

  7. Watering and Care : 
    Water the snake plant softly after repotting and let the soil to settle. Because the snake plant does not require frequent irrigation, avoid over-watering. Allow the plant to acclimate to its new surroundings by keeping it in indirect sunlight.

  8. Maintenance: 
    Because the snake plant is a popular low-maintenance plant, it is simple to care for.  Allow the soil to dry before watering the plant, and fertilize it several times throughout the growing season. 

Repotted snake plants flourish and thrive better when they are repotted every 2-3 years. It is the type of plant that beginners may easily keep in their home garden. 

You can also check out our another post about propagating a snake plant

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