Indoor Plant Repotting: Step-by-Step Guide and Tips

It's necessary for the houseplant to be repotted once every one to two years for its healthy life and proper growth. If you are new to the world of indoor plants then Here we have everything that you need to know regarding repotting of plants.

Step-by-Step Guide and Tips

1. Why Repotting ?

  • The plants in many cases outgrow the containers in which they were planted before. So, it's necessary to repot in order to provide them more space to grow.
  • Repotting freshens up the soil and replenishes the nutrients
  • Allows you to check about plant health, pests, or any kind of diseased roots.

2. When To Repot?

  • The best time you can choose for repotting is Spring or early summer. During this time of the year, the plants are actively growing
  • You can also repot when you notice the container becoming smaller for the plants leading to its slow growth and emerging roots from pot holes

3. Where To Repot ?

  • The plant needs to be repotted in a container that is slightly larger than the previous one i.e. 1-2 inches larger in diameter
  • The new pot must have proper drainage with holes below the pot to prevent overwatering

4. With Potting Mix 

The potting mix commonly known as potting soil must be chosen which is suitable for your plant type. Some can be a cactus mix, orchid mix, all-purpose mix, etc. The plants should be repotted with potting mix which enhances the growth of the plant.

5. Ways to Repot 

  • Firstly, it's necessary to water the plants a day or two prior to repotting to reduce stress.

  • Gently remove the plant from its current pot without damaging its roots

  • Inspect the root conditions, and check for any kind of pests or diseases

  • A layer of suitable potting mix is added to the new container

  • The plant should be placed at the center of the new pot and filled around with potting mix leaving an inch of space at the top

  • Water the plant thoroughly to help settle the soil in the new pot

6. Whats After ?

  • The newly potted plant requires more aftercare, it should placed back in its own location which   receives appropriate light and temperature
  • Fertilizers should not be used immediately after repotting to reduce stress on the plant
  • Keep an eye on the newly potted plant to ensure it adapts well. 

7. How Often To Repot ?

It is not necessary to repot your plants frequently. Every plant has its own repotting intervals. Some might need repotting every year, while others can go years without it. So, monitoring your plants is necessary to figure out the right time for your plant to repot.

8. Special Attention 

Plants like succulents and snake plants don't require frequent repotting as they prefer to be root-bound whereas orchids need to be repotted every 2-3 years.

9. Tools 

The needed tools are a new pot, potting mix, scissors, watering can, spray bottle, and gloves if desired. They make the process easy and in process.

10. Problem/Solutions

If your newly potted plants start showing problems like wilting, and yellowing leaves, give it some time to adjust as well as continue proper care and watering.

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